Saturday, February 17, 2018

Small Things

I hate the red signals on my way,
Which could resist my flawless ride.

I hate the speed humps too..
Sometimes the fall from my nap to the reality is too deep.

I hate the guy who text me while my favorite song a playing repeatedly.
I hate the stranger who comes and sit next to me ,
While to whole vehicle is empty.
It even get worst if they start to strike up a conversation.

I feel the same distance is too short when I go to work.
And too long on the way back home.
The familiar trees and flowers on the side walk seemed vivid in the morning,
And dull ad exhausted in the evening.

Window seat could be soothing,
If there is dew drops on the glasses.
But it dry and dusty all the time.

I often get shocked, when I realize that I left my earphone in my room.
Now I may have to close my eyes and pretend  to be slept to avoid some talkative idiots.

Small things but it do really matter.
Especially when I live the place is too congested between yesterday and tomorrow..

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